Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Our Thanksgiving Unit

We learned a lot about Thanksgiving. We learned about the Pilgrims trip on the Mayflower. We also learned a lot of Mayflower facts. We each wrote a fact that we learned on a Mayflower ship. (Template from http://www.everythingesl.net/lessons/gobble.php) Here are a couple of our ships.

We also wrote opinion pieces. We wrote what it would be like to be on the Mayflower. We stated our opinion and wrote reasons to support our opinion. We did this on a postcard from the Mayflower.

We learned about Pilgrim and Wampanoag homes. We made a Pilgrim home and a Wampanoag home, called a wetu.

The Pilgrim homes are more rectangular and the Wampanoag homes are dome-shaped.

Then we learned about the Wampanoag and Pilgrim food. The Wampanoag helped the Pilgrims to find all the best food.

Then we learned about Pilgrim and Wampanoag clothes. We decorated paper dolls to look like Pilgrims and Wampanoag girls.

Finally we wrote paragraphs about either the Wampanoags or the Pilgrims. We will read some of these to you, so stay tuned!

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