We are learning about maps and models as we get ready to read a story about maps. We were going to share information with our classmates about what we learned. Then one of our students said, "Let's put it on our blog!" (I am thrilled that they want to use the blog to share their knowledge and to see what others think!) So here is what we learned:
A map is like a model except it is flat and easier to lift. -A.M.
Maps are made from paper that you can draw. M.T.
You could make a map on paper and it is flat. C.G.
Some maps show the world. K.G.
A long time ago America was not on the map. L.S.
People thought the world was flat. I.M.
Models can be made into maps. E.M.
There are four oceans: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, an Arctic Oceans. C.G.
A model is a small version of something that is real. A.R. &T.B.
There are 7 continents: Asia, Antarctica, Europe, North America, South America, Australia and Africa. (all of us)
Christopher Columbus sailed across the ocean because he thought he could get to Asia that way. C.T.
Columbus landed in the Americas. E.M.
We wonder what do you know about maps?
How do you use maps?
I use maps in my car to drive from one place to another. I also use maps to learn about where countries and cities are. The country where I am from is called Venezuela and it's located in South America. Can you find it?